To extract last occurrence for co-relating a value without using bean-shell/BSF/JSR223 components use following steps
1. Extract all occurrences using Regular Expression Extractor
Use "-1" in Match No. to extract all concurrences
${cCellId2_matchNr} - contains count of values extracted
2. Consider that cCellId2 contains 5 values, now we need the value of ${cCellId2_5}, but we cannot get that value by directly substituting ${cCellId2_matchNr} in place of "5" instead we need to use "${__V()}" function
a) ${cCellID2_${cCellId2_matchNr}} - wrong
b) ${__V(cCellId2_${cCellId2_matchNr})} - correct
1. Extract all occurrences using Regular Expression Extractor
Use "-1" in Match No. to extract all concurrences
${cCellId2_matchNr} - contains count of values extracted
2. Consider that cCellId2 contains 5 values, now we need the value of ${cCellId2_5}, but we cannot get that value by directly substituting ${cCellId2_matchNr} in place of "5" instead we need to use "${__V()}" function
a) ${cCellID2_${cCellId2_matchNr}} - wrong
b) ${__V(cCellId2_${cCellId2_matchNr})} - correct